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Western Garfield County Chamber of Commerce logo

Your Chamber Serving the Colorado River Valley

Your Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to serving the business community of Western Garfield County by engaging in partnerships to strategically and significantly strengthen the business climate of the region.
Garfield 16 Photo Banner

Garfield County School District 16

As a result of our efforts, all students will be successfully prepared for life in a safe and nurturing environment.
Cedar Networks logo

Cedar Networks

A fast, reliable, secure connection to a telecommunications network is no longer a luxury. It’s a necessity. After all, your business, your community, your quality of life – depend on it. That’s why all of us at Cedar Networks are focused on finding the technology solutions that meet your personal, business, or community needs at prices you can afford.
Holy Cross Energy logo

Holy Cross Energy

The utility service for Parachute.

Colorado River Valley Economic Development Partnership

The Colorado River Valley Economic Development Partnership (CRVEDP) brings together local stakeholders in a unique collaboration to drive sustainable economic growth and improve quality of life in Western Garfield County.

Looking for a place to stay in Parachute?